Spare Parts & Cleaning Balls

Common spare parts and TAPROGGE Brand cleaning balls are in stock and are readily available for immediate shipment.

Items not in stock are ordered from our manufacturing facility in Germany and are dispatched upon availability.

Please note that all of our systems come with detailed O&M Manuals, recommended spare & wear parts lists, and recommended service intervals. 

We urge you to inventory your stock, replenish those parts, and closely monitor cleaning ball effectiveness.

We can provide your system documentation to help your service and maintenance programs!

Tech Support

Taprogge’s Service Department consists of highly skilled Service Engineers with extensive experience in condenser efficiency.

Our staff is dedicated to providing the highest quality service for all of our customers.

Taprogge Service Engineers are available on-site, remotely, or via email 24/7/365 to ensure that your TAPROGGE systems are operating at their best and maintaining your condenser at its' maximum  operating efficiency

Contact us today to see how we can help you reclaim your lost MW's.


Oftentimes systems fall out of good service because of knowledge transfer.

You remember the guy that made that system purr?

He's moved on to another assignment.

And so has his replacement,

And his replacement too, etc....

And that system "has never worked" since the last guy got the job!

Well, have no fear!

We can quickly get you back on track on a schedule that works for you !

Don't be penny wise and pound foolish!

Lost MW generation, overtime, sleepless nights, project delays, de-rates?   Do you want to write that report or try to justify the causes and losses?

Do you have the available staff to attend to daily/weekly/monthly "emergencies"?  When will the annual projects list be completed and where do we get the funding for these over budget emergencies?


Increase of CF with optimized tube cleaning

How much does an unplanned outage cost?

The real question is "How much efficiency and reliability can we GAIN and/or MAINTAIN if the systems are running properly?"

All of that goes straight to the bottom line.

Keep your systems operating in tip-top shape!!


Use our expertise to improve your operation!

Systems for cooling water circuits.  That's what we do.

More than 14,000 installations in over 106 countries.

We've been there and done that so you don't have to!

Next Steps...

What are you waiting for?  Press the button to contact an expert!